(800) 864-6623 ChrisR@UnionADR.com

ADR Carrier Participants

Many of Southern California’s Construction Unions have endorsed experienced insurance carriers to provide ADR Workers’ Compensation Coverage. These carriers were selected based upon their ability to provide specialized services to ADR participants, both employee’s and employer’s. The Union approves these carriers and works closely with carrier representatives to make sure the unique benefits of the ADR program are being implemented.

Individual agreements are available for accounts developing annual premiums of $250,000 or greater based upon approval of the program administrator and the insurance company’s willingness to abide by an ADR Program Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.).

ADR Workers’ Compensation is provided by these endorsed group program carriers:

ACIG, Alaska National, Chubb, Liberty Mutual, Old Republic and Starr Companies are carriers who have experience in individual stand-alone agreements.

Contact Union ADR, LLC for additional information:

CA License #OK 21323
Chris R. Reinhardt, CIC
P. O. Box U
Moreno Valley, CA 92556

(800) 864-6623
Outside CA Call: (909) 234-7290
Fax: (909) 494-4164

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